Thursday, May 26, 2005


Subject: Mover and shaker

I found Evelyn on our bed with her head towards the footboard and a foot away from the boppy. I think it's time to pull out the pack and play.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

9 pounds 10 1/2 ounces!

6 weeks and 4 days old.

(46 days old)
Preschool graduation age 5 years 2 months

This week.

This week has been very good. Evelyn has not had any agitation or seizures.
She is putting on weight and has lots of fat rolls. We took her Timothy's graduation from preschool yesterday.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


It is a beautiful Saturday here.
Things are quiet.
We are having lots of time together.

Evelyn is getting bigger every day.
The agitation we now believe are seizures.
They only last seconds and then she gets sleepy.

We are off to Dairy Queen as a treat from the Domes in New York.

Friday, May 13, 2005


We are all home today. The kids go to Mom's Morning Out at church this morning. I do not have to go to work. We are going to find something fun to do this afternoon.

Evelyn is a little more aggitated lately. We started her on scheduled tylenol yesterday and that worked through the evening. Last night we tried tylenol with codeine and it made little to no effect. As a result she rested on my chest from the time I got home at 4:40 until 11:40 with the exception of 45 minutes around dinnertime. That was nice.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

We had lots of babies in the house today!

Today Elizabeth had her second Bradley class reunion.
Babies everywhere, little ones, with first time parents.
If I get a group picture of all the babies I will be sure to put it here.

Aunt Pat and Grandmother checked in from Allentown today by phone. We haven't spoken to them in far too long!

Timothy assisted with a goal in his soccer game. He grins ear to ear as he runs carefully at the back of the pack, being sure never to get TOO close to the soccer ball.
Of course, his cheerleader, Julian was there to cheer him on... ahem... actually see if there were any left over snacks at the end of the game for him to eat!

Timothy and Julian have been playing outside all afternoon. Poking fire ant hills and the like. We picked up another 100 pounds of sand, so their sandbox is nearing the 1/2 ton mark!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Month #2

I have been hearing from a lot of people that Evelyn is getting bigger. It is hard to tell when you see her everyday. She must be over 8 pounds, so she is bigger than average.

Grandma left this morning. It was fun having her around. I think the kids will need the dentist now that she is gone. Julian's favorite word is 'treat?'.

Evelyn is doing the same. Since she is the only girl in the family and who knows for how long, she gets to wear new outfits all the time. Her church clothes this past Sunday were particularly cute.

Sunday, May 01, 2005