Friday, July 22, 2005



Anonymous said...

I finally had the opportunity to visit this wonderful site again -- how special that it was on this Feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim, the mom and dad of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Church celebrates the gift of faithfulness within families on this day.
Your web site is an affirmation of the power of love. My oldest daughter told us last night that they are pregnant with their third baby; they just found out. She is probably only a couple weeks gestation. I will share your site with Nicole and her husband Patrick, that they might be blessed by it, as I am everytime I visit it.
Thanks for the powerful witness you two are to the Catholic Church's teaching on Life. Our world so desparately needs that witness. Precious Evelyn has been the chosen instrument in the Hand of God to allow this witness of love.

Anonymous said...